Monday, September 5, 2011

Mira. Friend. Wife. Mentor.


Today is one of those rare moments when I say words of appreciation to Mira. Probably I should do this more often just like when I say “I love you” at the end of each phone calls or before sleeping or while doing “it” you know.

God reminded me of how special Mira is in Proverbs 18:22 which says “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” Thank you Lord for your favor because there is really “good” in Mira.

  • I am now well dressed. If you’ve seen how I dress up before I met Mira, you’d really say “Shem looks better now”. Thanks to Mira’s “fashionista” eyes.
  • I am now a “heart throb” driver. All my driving fantasies were realities when playing with bump cars BUT Mira was key to having a true-to-life car driving experience.
  • I am now managing my finances better. With Mira’s perseverance in exemplifying how money (and wealth) should be saved and spent, I’ve learned to take control of disbursing my allowances.
  • I am now a father of two brilliant boys. Nothing can replace this fatherhood status and experience and Mira really went on sacrificing her physical body for caesarean section operations so I can have this wonderful opportunity to father Allen and Ehsra.
  • I am now a certified Project Management Professional. With Mira’s outstanding achievement as a certified Project Management Professional herself, she never lost heart encouraging me on doing good Project Management. I really owe this one to you Mira and, with God’s help, you’ll reap His blessings.

Mira, thanks for everything. I will love you until my dying day.