Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Any progress in your comfort zone?

People love their comfort zones and others would keep it to death. There are a number of good benefits living in the comfort zone: everything almost becomes automatic, easy, predictable, and requires no extra effort to accomplish things as they are almost the same old task one is doing over again. As if you can really predict the future because tomorrow's activities will never be far from yesterday's and even today's tasks. Easy living and seemingly very low stress levels.

But is one achieving any progress in the comfort zone?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Checkpoint: Any Professional Regret?

A friend of mine shared me this link


which lists some regrets of people who practiced their profession

  • Just trying to pay the bills
  • Getting involved with a co-worker
  • Spending too much on grad school
  • Overstaying the corporate world
  • Not taking risks
  • Letting my job take over my life

It’s good sometimes to stop and check direction: would I still hit my goal given this direction?


Lord please provide me with your comforting wisdom. Thanks!