Sunday, September 26, 2010

Media Ministry

Surely, to whom much is given much is required.

God expects one having a knack on something make use of this talent/skill to bring back the glory to Him while spreading the Good News of the Gospel. Anything that an individual can do would fit the requirement of God. All that person needs to learn is to submit himself fully to the work of the Lord and as the Lord promised: our labor in the Lord is not in vain.

With the advent of high technologies it is inevitable that the manner of sharing the Gospel adapts to the changing environment of the lost soul. Dubbed "Media Ministry", we are resolved to make use of all forms of media to spread the Word of the Living God starting with our own capacity and continuing under the power of the Holy Spirit.

Primary focus will be on authoring digital media: those that get to Facebook, YouTube, and digital overhead projectors. It would include but is not limited to preparing PowerPoint slideshows, capturing audio/video, providing special visual/audible effects and composing documentaries on special events.

I believe God had long been preparing me for this endeavor so I could always have that opportunity to offer Him a sacrifice of praise and minister to the body of Christ.

May God be with me and my team members in embarking a new and exciting way to serve God.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bloom Where You're Planted

Plants vs Zombies swept the gamers of all ages. It's a cool game and my kid likes to play it (but on weekends only and if there's still free time). The mechanics is so simple, you plant the 'plants' in such a way that 'zombies' won't pass through and eat your brains. The funny thing is once planted the plant does what its supposed to do.

It might not be an appropriate analogy for you but Jeremiah 29:7 tells me to "Work for the peace and prosperity of the city where i sen you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare determine your welfare."

There are occasions - in life, at work, in love, in anything - where seeking the Lord's guidance is necessary. It's like there are no straight-forward scriptures that you know would apply to the situation you are about to experience and you have to separate yourself in some sort of solitude just to get focused on God's direction. However, there is always this option to be still, to stay put and never worry. Yes. Instead of thinking to move out, give up, or plateau, you must strive to achieve 'prosperity' in spite of the slump.

Is it okay to ask God for a different assignment? You bet. But remember Jeremiah 29:7: pray to the Lord the welfare of where you are now, pray hard for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.

Lord may I bloom with peace and prosperity in this place where you planted me on.